As humanitarian rug designers and founding members of the non-profit global initiative called GoodWeave, we believe that no rug should be made using illegal child labor.
With New Moon, every rug is given the GoodWeave stamp—it’s our promise that your rug has been manufactured ethically, without the use of child labor. We’re committed to creating moral working standards and moving one step closer to a world without illegal child labor.
Providing a Better Future for Families in Nepal
Meet the faces behind New Moon’s production! Our factory, located in Nepal, provides safe and stable employment opportunities for a predominantly female staff. Working outside the home enables these women to support their families financially and contribute to the strengthening of the struggling economy of Nepal. While the women are working, we also provide daycare for the children of our employees. And when the kids are of school age, we work with the mothers to ensure that their children receive funding for quality education.
As founding members of GoodWeave we are on the front lines, creating a positive and stable environment for our weavers and their families to flourish.